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Showing posts from February, 2018

By Faith, Obey.

Hello! What a whirlwind of a couple months, am I right?! This year started and it started HARD. Resolutions, goals, dreams, choices, etc. You name it, they have been made, and may have even come to a premature end. I, for one, am not usually a resolution-maker; primarily because I am not a resolution-keeper. I can’t even begin to describe the superfluous goals that I have created for myself that I have completely botched. But, just for fun, here are a couple: Lose weight. The go-to goal of women and men across the globe. Call me a follower. Run a marathon. Thank you, asthma, for the reminder that this is a useless goal. Run a 5K. A toned down version of goal #2. The number of “Couch-to-5K” programs I have started and never finished is appalling. Go for a walk three times a week. You’ll notice that my fitness goals have become more realistic with each aging year. Reality is a beautiful thing to come to terms with. Keep a journal. Nope. Anyway, I am confident that you, dear rea