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Showing posts from July, 2017

Where is My Identity?

As a stay-at-home mother, I have learned how easy it is to fall in to the trap of “I don’t do anything.” Several days go by where there is no need for me to leave the house, so I simply do not go anywhere. There are days that spit-up winds up resting in my hair, and on my clothes, and I do not shower or change. There are moments where I could sweep the house, and maybe even mop, but I do not - simply because the baby hasn’t had a nap all day and now she is sleeping, and I just want to sit down. As a stay-at-home (SAH), my job is not only to keep a tiny human alive, fed, slept, clean, and entertained, my job is to also watch over the affairs of my home. Including: budget writing, grocery buying, meal planning, cleaning, laundry (oh! The laundry!), tidying, running errands my husband can’t run for himself because he works 40 miles from home and has a two hour return commute, cooking (and making sure that I too eat something as the day progresses), bill paying, and now, helping my husban