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Discomfort vs. Heartbreak

As Dressember looms closer - only FOUR more days until day one - I can't help but feel overwhelmed at the idea of asking friends and family to donate. I've never been good at asking for money for anything. When I was in middle school, I had to go door to door and ask people if they wanted to support my swim team by donating funds. To this day, it makes me feel queasy thinking of asking people for money. I know so many people have limited, just enough, or not nearly enough funds, and it feels like a burden to ask for help.


Then I think of the women, men, and children who are being forced to do things against their will. Working, performing sexual acts, laboring, not having a way out; these are the people who I deeply desire to help. What is a few weeks of my discomfort in comparison to a whole life being shrouded in misery? It seems too simple to just wear a dress when people have been transported out of their everyday lives, but it is a start to aid in raising awareness of the horrors that are human trafficking. I would love it if you, dear reader, would be willing to watch this video about one man's life being altered to simply support his family.

Human trafficking is so much more than just making people do things they do not want to do. It is shattering the safety net that men, women, and children have weaved in to their day-to-day lives and causing them to be belittled, considered worthless, sometimes physically harmed, and completely removed from the people who love them. As a mother and wife, it is endlessly important to me that my husband and daughter know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are cared for, loved, and safe. It is beyond my comprehension how I would feel if those values I strive daily to maintain and improve upon were ripped from either my husband or my daughter and they were made to feel lesser-than and unimportant. That would make me want to fight. It would cause me to seek to help them. It would break my heart.

That being said, I am excited to wear a dress every day! I am excited to ask people to donate money! I am excited to be a voice for those who cannot speak! And I am excited to be mildly out of my comfort zone, in order to allow a rescued victim the therapy needed to begin to rebuild their life!

I am hoping that if you've read all the way to this point, dear reader, that you're willing to at least ask questions. Research your city and find out about human trafficking in your area. See what you can do to impact just the people around you. If you've read this far and you would like to be a part of helping a victim via finances, you can copy and paste this link in your browser: (or just click here) and you can donate to my campaign. I am beyond excited to partner with you and to simply be a face used to raise awareness.

Thank you for your support, and thank you for your commitment.

Here's to making a change!
