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I am way excited about this blog post and the coming month of advocacy! Please read on!

As a college student at Northwest University, I learned about the reality that is human trafficking. From chapel services taking offerings donated to Hope for Justice Int'l, to a full day of praying for the victims. The truth of human trafficking had never been more real to me than it was at that time. Fast forward from college to last December. My friend Alexa wore a dress every day in December to raise awareness and funds for victims who have been rescued out of sex trafficking. She was so committed to the Dressember event, that she even wore a wedding dress to work! I was so impressed! Well, this year, I decided that I want to be a part of the endeavor to raise awareness and funds for the victims of sex-trafficking. So, every day in December, I will be wearing a dress! As there are only FOURTEEN days left before Dressember begins, I wanted to tell you some more about it! As you read through the following notes below, please consider not only donating to my campaign, but more that than, please begin praying for these victims who have had their lives turned upside down.

About Dressember:
  • Dressember partners with International Justice Mission(IJM), A21, and McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center.
  • 80% of funds raised through Dressember campaigns go directly to the previously mentioned organizations, while the other 20% goes to administrative costs - common percentages for a 501c3.
  • Participants in Dressember wear dresses "to reclaim and reappropriate the dress as a symbol of freedom and power; a flag for the inherent dignity of all people."
  • $320 pays for EIGHT HOURS of therapy for one individual, and my first goal is simply $350! At $40/hour, if you donate $40, you could be paying for a survivor's first hour of help.
About human trafficking:
  • What is human trafficking? According to A21, "it's the illegal trade of human beings. It's the recruitment, control, and use of people for their bodies and their labor."
  • Children as young as 4 years old are being violently exploited as slaves.
  • "Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, generating more that $150 billion every year" (A21).
  • Trafficking is not limited to sex trafficking, it includes: forced labor, bonded labor, involuntary domestic servitude, and child soldiers (A21).
If you'd like to help in the fight against human trafficking, be on the look out on my Instagram for my daily dress journey to learn more, or follow this link - Dress Campaign - to donate to the Dressember cause! If you have any questions about human trafficking, Dressember, or any of the other listed partners, please feel free to ask! I cannot wait to partner with you guys and, ultimately, I am so excited to be an advocate and a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
