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Showing posts from July, 2020

Human Trafficking

If you are upset by the Wayfair human trafficking issue, I would like to encourage you to be upset about human trafficking all the time. In the wake of accusations of such disgusting acts, be mad. Be mad that children are being exploited and abused across the globe. Be mad that women and men are being ripped from their families and forced to commit heinous acts. Be mad that human trafficking starts young. Be mad that there are people in the world who are caged, trapped, afraid, lost, and numb. Be mad about those things, but don’t only be mad when these realities have been thrust into the light. Human trafficking is not a new issue. Wayfair is not the first company to be accused of trapping, using, and abusing people. And, the ugly reality is that they will not be the last as long as there is a demand. Human trafficking is an act that harkens back to the beginnings of our country’s birth and before. It is not new. So, be mad. And, stay mad.  Give your money to local organizations